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Doktora > Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü > Biyoloji(dr. Yabanci Dil) > THESIS STUDIES 4
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THESIS STUDIES 4 Üçüncü düzey BIOL 814 Zorunlu 4 25.00 25.00 Yazdır
Dersin tanımı
Ön koşul dersleri The committee members should approve the thesis proposal.
Eğitimin dili English
Dersi veren öğretim eleman(lar)ı Department Faculty Members
Yardımcı öğretim eleman(lar)ı None
Dersin veriliş şekli Practical
Dersin amacı The aim of the thesis study is provide making an original contribution to knowledge in the field of Biology with a thesis that the students will write and defend.
Dersin tanımı Conducting research, completion and defense of the thesis.

Dersin içeriği
1- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
2- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
3- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
4- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
5- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
6- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
7- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
8- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
9- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
10- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
11- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
12- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
13- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
14- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
15- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
16- Conducting research (4-7th semesters. The Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The students submit a written report to tha TAC members at least fifteen days prior to their meeting date.
17- Completion and defense of the thesis (8th semester or 9-12th semesters)
18- Completion and defense of the thesis (8th semester or 9-12th semesters)
19- Completion and defense of the thesis (8th semester or 9-12th semesters)
20- Completion and defense of the thesis (8th semester or 9-12th semesters)

Dersin öğrenme çıktıları
1- Identify and construct a problem/a thesis topic.
2- Identify and utilize source materials
3- Carry out research
4- Analyze data
5- Develop defensible conclusions
6- Make a persuasive argument

*Dersin program yeterliliklerine katkı seviyesi
1- Alanındaki güncel ve ileri düzeydeki bilgileri özgün düşünce ve/veya araştırma ile geliştirebilir, derinleştirebilir ve alanına yenilik getirecek özgün tanımlara ulaşır
2- Biyoloji alanının ilişkili olduğu disiplinler arası etkileşimi kavrar
3- Yeni problemleri ve onların çözümleri için strateji planlarını tanıma ve analiz etme becerisi ile bu problemi tanıma aşamasından sonuç ve bulguların değerlendirilmesi ve taktir edilmesine kadar uygun teknik ve yöntemlerin seçilmesini de kapsayan planlama , tasarım ve pratik gözlemleri yürütme becerisine sahip olur
4- Laboratuvar ölçümleri ve arazi gözlemlerinden elde edilen verileri önemleri açısından yorumlayabilme ve teorilerle ilişkilendirme becerisine sahip olur
5- Çalışmalarının süreç ve sonuçlarını, o alandaki veya dışındaki ulusal ve uluslar arası ortamlarda sistematik ve açık bir şekilde yazılı ya da sözlü olarak etkin iletişim kurma becerisine sahip olur
6- Biyoloji alanı ile ilgili en az bir bilimsel makaleyi ulusal ve/veya uluslar arası hakemli dergilerde yayınlayarak ve/veya özgün bir yapıt üreterek ya da yorumlayarak alanındaki bilginin sınırlarını genişletir
7- Edindiği birikimi, özgün bakış açısı ve araştırma ile geliştirme, derinleştirme ve ülkesinin çıkarlarını koruyarak bilime özgün katkılar sağlayacak tanımlara ulaşır
8- Bireysel ve kollektif olarak, öğrendiği bilgileri uygulamaya aktarabilme ve sunabilme yeteneğine sahip olur ve alanı ile ilgili gerek laboratuvarda gerekse saha çalışmalarında yeterli tecrübe ve disiplin kazanır
9- Bilimsel çözümlerin ve uygulamaların, evrensel ve toplumsal boyutlardaki etkilerinin bilincinde olur; girişimcilik ve yenilikçilik konularının farkında olur. Biyoloji alanı ile ilgili konularda karşılaşılan toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve etik sorunların boyutlarını anlayabilme ve çözümüne katkıda bulunur
Yıldızların sayısı 1’den (en az) 5’e (en fazla) kadar katkı seviyesini ifade eder

Planlanan öğretim faaliyetleri, öğretme metodları ve AKTS iş yükü
  Sayısı Süresi (saat) Sayı*Süre (saat)
Yüz yüze eğitim 0 0 0
Sınıf dışı ders çalışma süresi (ön çalışma, pekiştirme) 0 0 0
Ödevler 0 0 0
Sunum / Seminer hazırlama 0 0 0
Kısa sınavlar 0 0 0
Ara sınavlara hazırlık 0 0 0
Ara sınavlar 0 0 0
Proje (Yarıyıl ödevi) 0 0 0
Laboratuvar 13 24 312
Arazi çalışması 0 0 0
Yarıyıl sonu sınavına hazırlık 0 0 0
Yarıyıl sonu sınavı 0 0 0
Araştırma 13 24 312
Toplam iş yükü     624
AKTS     25.00

Değerlendirme yöntemleri ve kriterler
Yarıyıl içi değerlendirme Sayısı Katkı Yüzdesi
Ara sınav 0 0
Kısa sınav 0 0
Ödev 1 100
Yarıyıl içi toplam   100
Yarıyıl içi değerlendirmelerin başarıya katkı oranı   40
Yarıyıl sonu sınavının başarıya katkı oranı   60
Genel toplam   100

Önerilen veya zorunlu okuma materyalleri
Ders kitabı Current literatures and scientific papers related with thesis studies
Yardımcı Kaynaklar Fundamental works related with thesis studies

Ders ile ilgili dosyalar